Project Controls

Petrojet Contracting & Services Pvt. Ltd uses the following elements of our standards project controls system. These systems will be modified to accommodate preferences or specific requirements determined by the client.

Project Schedules:

Our scheduling system uses the primavera database program, version 5.1 or client preferred planning tool. Our approach is to develop four levels of scheduling and control for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) activities. The project schedule incorporates the contract completion date and key milestone dates and will indicate the relationship of the activities of the client, Petrojet Contracting & Services Pvt. Ltd and other parties.

Level 1. Milestone Schedule:

The Level 1 schedule displays the overall Project status in a bar chart format, showing major milestones and the critical Path. We emphasize on the integration of the key milestone dates through all project phases including interface to other contractors. The Level 1 schedule is updated monthly for project use and for inclusion in the monthly progress report. The current status of schedule progress is shown in relation to the current month timeline.

Level 2. Summary CPM (Contract Program Management) Schedule:

The Level 2 schedule displays major EPC activities, restraints, and dependencies for each sub plant area in more detail. Between 50 and 200 activities are displayed in Precedence Diagram Method format.

Level 3. Detailed CPM Schedule:

The Level 3 schedule displays working level schedule data, including data sorted by work type within each sub plant area or sub-system. The CPM network will on large projects contain approximately 1,000 activities. The schedule network is updated monthly to reflect actual progress, approved revisions, and change orders. This schedule is developed to support the milestones and interface points with other contractors shown on the Level 1 and 2 schedules.

Level 4.Schedule, Document Logs & Progress Baselines:

The Level 4 schedule contains the working level schedule data including the status of individual tasks, drawings and documents. Drawing, task and quality logs are set up to list items to be tracked. Progress of Engineering and Construction work is measured. Progress and performance reporting methods and format will be agreed with the client after contract award. We use the progress reporting capabilities of the PC WORKS Windows base program. This program interfaces with the Primavera schedule program and the task and document control logs (actual task completion document issue dates to generate progress data). New software and technology is always in use in the form of pilot projects. The Engineering schedule database is maintained in our subsidiary office with input downloaded electronically from Engineering Group locations. The Construction Schedule Database is initiated during the Engineering Phase and subsequently maintained at the job site after the construction organization is established.

Summary of Progress-Review of action items-Last weeks accomplishments-Goals for the coming weeks. The status meeting also regularly reviews updated schedules and progress data from Primavera and PC WORKS, including project cumulative percent complete curves for Engineering, Procurement and Construction.

Monthly Status Reports:

The monthly status report includes the following data. Overview of monthly and to date progress.-Accomplishments-Continuing Tasks-Material Procurement Status-Project Milestone Status-Monthly Project Statistics-Action Items-Activities and goal planned for next month.-Project Level S-Curve-Trend Report.

Construction Management:

Project expenditure over the life of a project requires firm and timely control of activities, services and resources. We plan, control and co-ordinate the program, from inception to completion, to the required quality standards. A key part of our strategy to achieve successful Program Management is to implement a comprehensive contract cost control system upon award of the contract, based on the contract scope, price and schedule at the time of award. A work breakdown and cost coding structure is developed. A contract price breakdown based on the contract scope of work is prepared and used as the baseline for a cost and schedule trend program. Deviations from the baseline are trended and reported for management review and action.

Trend program:

Subsequent to the issue of the approval project price breakdown, the trend program is initiated to track scope, pricing and quality deviations from the original baseline. Four types of baselines are typically tracked.

🔹 Lump sum Scope

🔹 Unit Price Quantity

🔹 Reimbursable actual costs and quantity

🔹 Schedule date changes with cost consequences

The immediate identification of scope, schedule, pricing and quantity deviations and the impacts of such changes are key features of a project execution program. Any significant reported trends are immediately brought to management’s attention for timely evaluation and action. A trend log is maintained which references the status of each trend. A monthly trend report is incorporated in the Monthly Project Report. The trend program supports the change control program described below.

Change Control Program:

The project change control program is implemented in conjunction with the trend program and in strict accordance with contractual requirements. Change orders originated by the Client are incorporated in the contract price after the method of calculation, resulting amounts anschedule impacts are agreed. Work proceeds in accordance with direction provided in the change request. Change orders requested by Petrojet Contracting & Services Pvt. Ltd are initiated by a Petrojet Contracting & Services Pvt. Ltd responsible Manager, notifying the Client immediately. A un priced trend is formally presented and discussed at the weekly client meeting and client concurrence is requested prior to any work being initiated on the trend. A change order control log is issued and updated on a regular basis. The log will include the approved price and a schedule to track the evolution of each change. Cost and Commitment Ledger: Petrojet Contracting & Services Pvt. Ltd maintain a ledger to track the evolution of each change.