Code of Business Conduct and Ethics:

1.1. PETROJET CONTRACTING & SERVICES believes that for an organization to succeed, grow and excel, it needs to be anchored to its values and beliefs and motivate all its Employee(s) to consistently display these values and beliefs in the course of their interactions.
1.2. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) as articulated below, embodies the Company’s values and beliefs and endeavors to lay down guidelines for employees of the PETROJET CONTRACTING & SERVICES to follow in their day to day work life.

1.3. All employees of PETROJET CONTRACTING & SERVICES are requested to read and imbibe the Code and follow it in letter and spirit, so as to maintain the highest standards of values and belief in their conduct to achieve organizational objectives.

1.4. The PETROJET Company’s values and beliefs shall act as the guiding principle in the enumeration, interpretation and periodic review of the Code.

1.5 The Employee(s) shall ensure compliance with the Applicable Laws and the Applicable Laws shall prevail encase of conflict or inconstancy between the provisions of this Code and Applicable Laws.

1.6 All entities of the PETROJET CONTRACTING & SERVICES shall adopt this Code. The Joint Venture(s) will be encouraged to adopt the Code or similar or more comprehensive code.

1.7 The Code is an omnibus document giving a broad level guidance for Employee(s) and should be read in conjunction with the following other policies (collectively “PETROJET Codes”) as given below, for further clarity and detailing of any specific issue.

a) Acceptable Use Policy

b) Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

c) Brand Protection Policy

d) Code of Conduct for Board Members and Senior Management

e) Conflict of Interest Policy

f) Data Privacy Policy v2.0

g) Environmental Policy

h) Ethics and Disciplinary Policy

i) Gifts and Hospitality Policy

j) Guidelines for use of Social Media

k) Occupational Health & Safety Management System Policy

l) Policy against Sexual Harassment (“PASH”);

m) Procurement Policy

n) Whistle Blower Policy

And Other relevant policies, both existing as well as those as may be formulated by PETROJET CONTRACTING & SERVICES and implemented from time to time. The above mentioned specific policies shall prevail in case of conflict or inconstancy between the provisions of this Code and other policies.